Working on my Camino book has taken a lower priority to my job and Yoga Instructor Training lately during these lovely autumn days of September and October. I am researching but not writing. I am working on:
1. Evaluating self-publishing best practices through reading blogs and books:
a. Guy Kawasaki’s book APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur-How to Publish a Book APE-Author-Publisher-Entrepreneur
b. April Hamilton’s book The Indie Author Guide: Self-Publishing Strategies Anyone Can Use The Indie Author Guide
c. The Book Designer blog Joel Friedlander The Book Designer
d. The Creative Entrepreneur Interviews Bob Baker- Creative Entrepreneur
2. Evaluating templates and tools for book writing. The Book Design Word Templates- Book Design Templates; Blurb tools-Blurb tools
3. I am reworking my book outline in Mind Manager adopting “a Book of Days” format.
4. I have been using my lunch hours for walking. I am considering using my lunch hours for writing small amounts each day. Hmmm, maybe alternate walking and writing.
5. For inspiration I am finalizing a title for my Camino book. I have decided to appeal to my blog and Facebook friends to provide their feedback.
Adopting a Book of Days format will allow me to take the reader through a Camino year season by season, month by month, and day by day. The calendar format maps meaningful, religious and historical events, ideas, quirky facts, herbs, folklore, and things to do and celebrate to a timeline. I can capture historical events from the Roman through Medieval and Modern times, including experiences from my Camino walk in 2014. Beautiful photographs, recipes, poetry, quotations and insights from the trail will also be included. A Book of Days approach will capture my Camino experiences but will enhance the readers experience with additional background in history, famous pilgrims and fascinating facts.
Autumn is the time for harvesting new book ideas and dreaming about what autumn must be like on the Camino. I can easily visualize:

Walking in the cool crisp lovely pine and eucalyptus forest trails in Galicia (click image to enlarge)

Snapping pictures of the fall wildflowers blooming beside the meandering trails on the Meseta (click image to enlarge)

Admiring the alpine wildflowers as a backdrop for the mountain views in the Pyrenees or from the mountain top village of O’Cebreiro (click image to enlarge)

Sitting in the cafes in Pamplona, Burgos or Santiago enjoying local hearty meals and fall festivals (click image to enlarge)
Help me harvest more ideas for book titles: So far I have:
1. The Practical Pilgrim—A Camino Frances Book of Days
2. A Camino Frances Book of Days
3. The Camino Buddy—A Camino Frances Book of Days
4. Timeless Footpaths—A Camino Frances Book of Days.
Please connect with me by phone or email or leave a comment right here on the site. Let me know what your thoughts on:
1. Adopting a Book of Days format.
2. The proposed book titles.
Buen Camino