5 Months and Counting… Training for the Camino Santiago de Compostela

Training for the CaminoNovember 3rd is the 5 month anniversary of my Camino training – both Walking and Yoga.   It is time for reflection on both my accomplishments and planning of the next steps for my fitness level improvements and training approach during the next 5 months in order to complete the walk on the Camino Santiago de Compostela.


  1. I have walked 278 km’s in 50 hours keeping my pace sub 10 minutes per kilometer.
  2. I have completed 93 hours of Yoga practice, including poses, and meditations.
  3. I have lost 7 pounds, and toned up so that I can reduce a size fitting for my pants.
  4. I have developed an exercise training plan which I update daily and evaluate weekly, making adjustments as required.
  5. I have purchased and continue to “break-in” my hiking boots (95 km to date).
  6. I have developed the mental toughness that ensures the commitment to my training plan.  The idea of walking 800 km’s in 40 days, no longer overwhelms me.
  7. I have developed the lung capacity to keep my pace sub 10 minutes per kilometer over longer distances (8 to 11 km’s)   This has allowed me to add running and “fartlek” training to my walks.

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